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Renato Santos Cosmética was launched in 2020 in Porto, Portugal, with the mission of bringing you high quality cosmetics at an affordable price. We believe that taking care of ourselves, and feeling beautiful and special is an essential act that must be easily reached by everyone. Dare to try it, you will love it!

Renato Santos Cosmética was launched in 2020 in Porto, with the mission of bringing high quality cosmetics at an affordable price to all people. We managed to gather in one place, a selection of the best products in the beauty market, at incredible prices.

Our main values ​​are quality and commitment to the selection of affordable products. We believe that taking care of ourselves with the best products, and feeling beautiful and special is an essential act that must be easily reached by everyone.

With extensive experience in cosmetics, Renato Santos, the founder of the brand, guarantees that it is not always the most expensive products that bring the best results. You can get products that work, take good care of your skin and hair, and have quality make-up that you can see without having to spend a fortune every month!

Our range of products has been selected with strict criteria, to include only in one place, everything that is essential to take care of you: essential for skin care of the face and body, and the essentials to feel special, at the level of makeup and even nails.

Dare to try it, you will love it!

Our customer service is exceptional. Take all your doubts with our team!

Renato Santos Cosmética

Rua Luz soriano nº58

4200-381 Porto
